Friday, April 2, 2010

Holy Moly, me oh my.

This is the first posting on this blogging site. It's not going to be terribly interesting, because I've made this so if in the future, if I have something terribly interesting to say I will have a place to quickly type it out. So it's like a safeguard. A writer's safeguard against diminishing thoughts. Of course, it would be easier to walk around with a journal or a black and white, speckled composition book and write things as soon as I think of them. But then, my handwriting often makes me lose interest in what I was jotting down, so it'd be half finished thoughts and ideas. Also, I'm conceited, and am under the awful delusion that people might find what I think even the slightest bit entertaining, so I'm leaving it on the world wide web for your viewing ease. So you're welcome.
I had just paused now in an internal dilemma over whether or not to introduce myself, because really, I think the people who would take the time out of their surfing schedule to read my blither would be people that I know personally. But just in case, here are some few key points to Summer Nesreen Masoud;

-I am an Arab-American living in the West Texas town of El Paso.
-I like to take pictures (such as the one that is the header of this blog.)
-I like to draw (graphite is my favourite medium.)
-I like to play the guitar (and I'd love to be taught more.)
-I like to write (songs, short stories, poems.)
-I like to act.
-I like to listen to good music, and speak to good people.
-I am fifteen years old, born July 28th, 1994, in the United Arab Emirates
-I love my father and my mother and all my siblings very much.
-I can't stand kids who say they 'hate' their parents.
-I will write and act for Saturday Night Live.
-I have a photographic memory.
-I have anxiety.
-I have an anxiety induced stutter.
-I am usually not shy, I've only been shy in one case, goddamn you Javi Sandoval.
-I love to talk, and am very loud and exuberant.
-I really am a sweetheart, even if I don't always seem it.
-I am thankful if you've read this.

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